Monday, January 29, 2007

Tape Backup versus Disk to Disk Backup

We are in the process of updating our current network backup system and are looking at either the Exabyte VXA Autoloader or a disk-to-disk solution. Right now we are leaning towards the Exabyte solution. It appears to be much easier to restore data than traditional tape systems. The only hesitation is that we have read that Longhorn will not support tape backup...only disk to disk. Realistically, it will be a probably 3-4 years before we move to the new server platform based on Microsoft's history of releasing products before they are truly ready for market. Does anyone have any experiences either positive or negative related to Exabyte VXA backups?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mike, we used VXA for several years and were quite happy. Actually, I still have the library in our rack as we have some old tapes that we could conceivably need to access. We were quite happy with the device. BackupExec occassionally had a hiccup, and once or twice we had to manually eject a tape, but overall, it was a good, reliable, piece of hardware.