Monday, July 30, 2007

Shelby Check-in

We currently are using Shelby's Check-in module for our Kindergarten-2nd grade age group as well as for our Hospitality Team. The way Shelby has the module set up now, we have to use a dedication station for the Hospitality Team because the program is not capable of working with multiple organizations. We are tired of waiting on Shelby to deliver the promised fix for this weakness to their product but have been waiting for at least a year. Does anyone out there know of any type of workaround for this problem? We are getting ready to implement check-in for more grades this fall and eventually for all the children's groups within the church.

Thanks for any input you may have!

1 comment:

Brian said...

mike, this is brian coday. I am trying to send a response to your comment on my blog. can i have your email address?
mine is bcoday-the "asperand"-then
I trust that you are internet savy enough to decipher that address!
