Monday, May 18, 2009

Long absence on this blog

I know it has been a long time since posting anything on this site but that silence has been for good reason. My wife and I began the process of adopting a child/children from Ethiopia back in January. I have started another blog documenting this process for any of you that may be interested in following along with our adoption journey. That site is:

Right now, we feel God leading us to adopt 2 little girls between 1 and 4 yrs. old. They have not been identified to us yet, but we firmly believe that God knows exactly who they are and He is preparing them for their new home in my family. Our 3 biological kids are ecstatic about the whole adoption thing.

Right now, I need your prayers as we are heavy into the fundraising stage. We know that this entire mission is God-driven and with Him, all things are possible. Please pray that funds will come in when they are needed so that the process does not get slowed down. Right now, we believe we are on track to travel to Ethiopia in September or October of this year to bring our girls home.

Thanks to everyone for their prayers!